Practice Smarter, Achieve Higher
Vanguard First - SAT Testing Platform

Why Our Platform?
As with all things Vanguard, we want our students to get authentic practice. The test provided by Vanguard are a carbon copy of the real SAT complete with digital modules and adaptive testing.
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Our Testing Platform
Exact Practice
Our tests are a carbon copy of the actual test. Students can practice the actual test format complete with adaptive testing.
Online Proctoring
The tests are automatically proctored, so students can take it anytime. Our platform will even keep track of how much time they spend on a single problem.
Detailed Reports & Analysis
After every test, we will give a detailed analysis of the questions the student got correct, or missed. The report will include data such as the topic they missed, how much time they spent on the question, and will track their testing timeline.
Plenty of Tests
Vanguard has a lot of tests, and with more on the way. We are constantly adding more. At this time, we have triple the amount of tests as College Board's Blue Book. More tests for the student, means more consistency and preparedness on Test Day!